Uncanny Linking Pins
Author/Originator: Jerry Andrus/JG Thompson Jr/Don Alan
Product ID: e106
PDF Price: $4.00
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After introducing a pair of safety pins, you magically link and unlink them. Next, you openly thread one pin on the other and once again, magically separate the pins. The pins are rejoined and you ask a spectator to try and unlink them as you did, while closed. When she fails, you attempt to unlink the pins behind your back. After feigning difficulty for a few moments, you show the pins again - both are now seen to be badly bent out of shape. You offer to do the trick again and hand the pins to the spectator to take apart. However, when the pins are opened, one pin is now permanently linked on the back bar of the other - making it impossible to separate them! If you're looking for a quick, easy-to-master, commercial linking pin routine, this is it! Takes just minutes to prepare. Use your own safety pins. Photo-illustrated. 8 pages.
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