Watch Me Closely

Watch Me Closely

Author/Originator: Louis Lam
Product ID: e911

PDF Price: $5.00
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A dozen clever magic and mentalism effects! Highlights include: Key-ology - four excellent methods for a 7 Keys to Baldpate type routine without gimmicks or a special lock; Clairvoyance - a terrific three article test for one or two people, and Lam's one-man version eliminates the need for any memorization or even a cue card; Four-Aceious - Lam's innovative approach for the classic four ace trick (with standard gaffs) that eliminates the common pitfalls of most routines since the audience gets to see the cards in the chosen "ace pile" change from indifferent cards into aces one at a time; Watch Me Closely - a completely self working card prediction that looks absolutely impossible, yet is easy to do; and Coincidence - the card a spectator selects and signs matches the performer's card! Plus, Lam's Calendro, Predicto, The Ace Of Spades, Zig-Zag Card Novelty, Transpo, Number Please, and the The El-El Rising Card Novelty. This was Louis Lam's second book, which he wrote and published in 1937. Newly re-typeset with new graphics and charts for several of the effects. 34 pages.

Also available...Louis Lam's Would You Believe It and Be Deceived.

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