Impromptu Cups and Balls Routine - Irv Weiner

Impromptu Cups and Balls Routine

Author/Originator: Irv Weiner
Product ID: e885

PDF Price: $4.00
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In the early 1950s, as part of his Manu-Secret series, Irv Weiner published his impromptu Cups and Balls routine. What set it apart from most others was that it could be performed with borrowed paper or plastic cups; no specially-made cups were required. To further reinforce the "off the cuff" nature of his presentation, Weiner would openly tear up a paper napkin to make up three balls for the effect. So you can imagine the audience's sheer bewilderment, after the small, makeshift paper balls magically vanished and reappeared, moved and multiplied a couple of times, when a small lemon appeared under the center cup. Only to be quickly followed by a lemon under each of the end cups, and then, for an added kicker...a fourth lemon materialized under the center cup (again)! In this new 7-page PDF, we provide Weiner's instructions that breakdown the handling for this 2-1/2 to 3 minute attention-grabbing routine. It's surprisingly easy to learn and do, since it's based primarily upon timing, management, and misdirection, rather than difficult sleights. 7-page PDF with 15 line drawings - a dozen of which we completely recreated for this manuscript to assure everything is crystal clear.

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