Hit the Deck
Author/Originator: F.V. Schoneck
Product ID: e811
PDF Price: $4.00
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First published in 1944, F.V. Schoneck offers a dozen mysteries with unprepared cards, many based upon clever subtleties.
Contents include:
WINNING AT GIN RUMMY – The easy way. Not a sleight to learn. You should know this one for your own protection
HOLE CARD WILD – Have you ever played Stud Poker and wished you knew just what card each player had in the hole? An indetectable method – great for demonstration.
CARDS OF UNREST – If you cannot deal Seconds, try this one and convince any audience that you are an expert .
DOUBLE DENOUEMENT – With an unprepared deck you demonstrate your ability to control a spectator’s mind. A great mental effect with a double climax.
MENTAL REVERSE – A card merely thought of turns over in the deck. Impromptu and it fools Magicians.
INCREDIBLE PREDICTION – A really new prediction idea.
FOUR-CARD FINALE – A startling elimination trick. Great for the introduction of your favorite Four-Ace Trick.
THOUGHTS ACROSS SPACE – A novel two-person telepathic stunt.
MIRACLE FROM SMOKE – The really new location principle.
MIRACLE FROM SMOKE NO. 2 – Apply the rough-and-smooth principle to any deck at a moment’s notice.
IMPROMPTU DAUB LOCATION – This method is literally at your fingertips. It can be a life saver at the right moment.
CARDS DO NOT LIE – The ideal impromptu routine for telling anyone’s fortune with a borrowed deck of cards. You read person’s past and future and answer any question secretly written. Then you prove that “The Cards Do Not Lie.”
17 pages, re-typeset.
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