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1st Method. The performer writes something on a slip of paper, seals it in an envelope, and hands this to a spectator to hold. Several spectators then write single digits on a writing pad, one under the other; the pad is initialed and the column of figures added up. The total is found to correspond with the number previously written by the performer and sealed in the envelope.


Suppose you have written the number 38 on the slip which is in the envelope, held by a spectator. Take a pad and pencil and invite another spectator to write any digit he pleases. Go to a second person and have him write a figure under the first.

Continue in the same way and mentally add the figures each time a digit is written. When the total passes 29, stop—for the addition of another figure might carry the total beyond 38. Inquire the initials of the last person, write them on the paper, and at the same time write in a figure which will bring the total to 38. For example, if the genuine figures total 31, you would write a 7 under the other figures (Fig. 5), if 33 write in a 5, and so on. Draw a line under the column and hand the pad to another spectator to add up the figures. He calls the total and the spectator holding the envelope opens it, takes out your slip, and reads out the same number that you had written beforehand.

2d Method. A better plan is to use the gimmick known as a thumb writer (Fig. 6). This is a thumb tip with a tiny scrap of lead fixed to it as shown. Have this in your right-hand coat pocket. Take a pad and pencil and go from person to person, having each one write a digit, and as you take the pad each time keep track of the total. Again we will suppose you have written 38 on the slip which has been sealed in the envelope; when you note that the total of the column has reached within less than 9 of your number—31, for example—stop. You have already slipped the thumb writer onto your right thumb and you hold the pad with both hands, fingers in front, thumbs behind. While you say that you will have the figures added up by someone else, write in the required number—in this case 7—doing it without looking at the pad, but at the spectators as if choosing someone to make the addition. The rest follows as above.

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