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1st Method. Steal a dummy butt from a holder or dropper and hold it in the right hand by bending the third and fourth fingers on it (Fig. 21). Take the lighted butt between the first and second fingers, raise it to the mouth, and puff on it; then throw it to the floor apparently but, really, in making the throw you pass the lighted butt to the thumb grip and release the dummy.

2d Method. Have a dummy in the thumb grip and a lighted butt between the first and second fingers. Carry this to the mouth and take a deep mouthful of smoke; then remove it. Exhale part of the smoke and, as the hand drops, grip the dummy between the second and third fingers, removing it from the thumb crotch, and thumb palm the lighted butt in its place. Raise the dummy to the lips, blow some smoke through it, exhale the rest, and throw the dummy into the receptacle.

By using both hands and getting dummies from holders on each side alternately, very little skill is required to stage an imitation of the cigarette, catching act. The subterfuge may serve until the necessary skill is acquired. Punk should be placed in the receptacle and one or two lighted butts thrown into it to cause the appearance of some smoke from it as the catching goes on.

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