XL Billet Reading Act
Author/Originator: Anonymous (Dealer Manuscript)
Product ID: e391
PDF Price: $4.00
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An early dealer manuscript on a terrific one-man Q&A mentalism act. Here's the original description: "Spectators write questions on slips of papers and sign their names. The billets are then collected in a bowl which never leaves their sight for a single instant. Then he (Performer) takes the billet and commences to give the answer to the question! This is continued until all of the questions are answered. Can be done at once with no skill required. Worked under any conditions. All questions returned at finish. No dummy question added, and no stooges required. Suitable for stage, concert or drawing room, as no apparatus is required. An alternative routine is given if you wish to work with a partner. Long and detailed explanation...together with Preliminary Lecture and Patter." 11 pages, re-typeset.
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