Winners All

Winners All

Author/Originator: Goodlette Dodson/Lewis Duff
Product ID: e215

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Compiled by Charles C. Eastman, "Winners All" is a collection of five easy-to-do card effects from Goodlette Dodson, the author of "Exhibition Card Fans," and Lewis C. Duff. Both were accomplished early card men.

Contents include...

Dodson's Four Ace Miracle
A four ace assembly that requires no gaffs or extra cards and no set-up; so you can do it with a borrowed deck. Did we mention you end clean, too?

Dodson's Location Supreme
A card is freely selected from the deck and returned. The spectator now cuts the deck several times, before you give it a legitimate riffle shuffle. You now place the deck behind your back for a moment and immediately locate the selected card.

Duff's You Spell As I Spell
After spelling out a card, the spectator spells out the name of his selected card and turns it over on the last card. Duff's method can also be used as a subtle card location without the spelling presentation.

Duff's Joker Detective
Four cards which include cards related to the spectator's card and the Joker are transformed into the four Jacks. Your audience will not see this one coming. A real jaw dropper.

Duff's Spirit Vision
Reveal the identity of a card merely "thought of" from a fan of cards.

13 pages, Re-typeset.

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