Wandering Card

Wandering Card - Methods for Miracles No. 3

Author/Originator: EG Brown/William Lane (Willane)
Product ID: e192

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In Willane's introduction to E.G. Brown's brilliant Wandering Card, he said, "It is one of the few card tricks that one can 'put over' under theatre conditions yet it is essentially an impromptu effect which I greatly treasure and highly recommend."

Briefly the effect is this:

Two assistants A and B are invited on to the stage. A is given a shuffled pack of cards and asked to count off twelve cards face-down on to the performer's outstretched palm. The rest of the pack is discarded. The performer explains that he wishes assistant A to mentally select one card and commences to show the cards one at a time, explaining that when a card has been selected no indication must be given. When the performer has shown six cards, he enquires if the assistant has chosen one. When this is confirmed, the packet of six (already shown) is taken by the assistant. The remaining six cards are counted and given to assistant B.

Assistant A is asked to concentrate on the chosen card and to wish it to leave his packet and join the six cards held by assistant B. On examination assistant A finds that only five cards remain, whilst the missing card is found in assistant B's possession with the other six.

A brilliant, commercial card magic effect complete with presentation notes and patter. Completely re-typeset with illustrations and photos of the FISM Grand Prix Award Winning, Willane (William H. Lane). 11 pages.

Also available, Eleven Card Trick - Methods for Miracles No. 6 and Ring Release from Cord.

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