Eleven Card Trick - Methods for Miracles No. 6
Author/Originator: Edward Victor/William Lane (Willane)
Product ID: e732
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As with Homing Card, Edward Victor’s Eleven Card Trick was designed to showcase a performer's natural acting ability. Here's the basic effect with cards: The services of a spectator are requested, and he is jokingly asked if he can count. After replying in the affirmative, the helper is given a pack of cards to shuffle and told to count eleven onto the performer’s open hand so he can show everyone his wonderful trick with eleven cards. The laughs build as the performer repeatedly demonstrates that the helper has mis-counted and given him the wrong number of cards. When the performer finally has eleven cards, he hands the packet to the spectator - telling him to deal six cards onto his left hand and five onto his right. The spectator deals the first six, only to discover he now has just four left. At his wits’ end, the performer abandons the trick! Number 6 in FISM Grand Prix winning Willane's sought-after Methods for Miracle series, the handling is clearly explained move by move, along with the patter. What's more, this priceless routine is based primarily on one sleight - an easy-to-acquire, yet convincing false count Willane developed especially for this routine. 9 pages, re-typeset.
Also available...Gene Gordon's Dizzy Dollar which adapted the effect to work with dollar bills.
Also available, Wandering Card - Methods for Miracles No. 3, Ring Release from Cord, and Homing Card.
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