Vynn Boyar Lecture Notes
Author/Originator: Vynn Boyar
Product ID: e796
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The illustrated notes from Vynn Boyar's 1953 Magicians' Guild Lecture, "Sleights, Secrets, and Suggestions." Eight items are explained, including a clever gimmick that makes the beautiful, yet elusive, Slow Motion Card Vanish, actually easy to do, an innovative Rising Card gimmick you can make up and add to any deck, a deceptive Linking Paper Clips effect for the office, a nifty Henry Christ move that lets you make a ball seemingly go through and appear inside a borrowed hat, a neat sucker card effect, and more. 20 pages, re-typeset.
Also by Vynn Boyar...Blindfold Miracle Card Stab and Ghostly Seconds.
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