Open Prediction - Six Solutions
Author/Originator: Haxton, Koran, Simon & Trickshop.com
Product ID: e843
PDF Price: $5.00
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Six nearly self-working methods for performing Paul Curry’s Open Prediction or a reasonable facsimile thereof. The methods are all quite easy to execute, although they may require some preparation, a set up or move, or even other stuff. Material includes: two Francis Haxton handlings - one with a single deck and one with two; Bill Simon's clever solution along with our own sleight-free version of it; Al Koran's Five Star Miracle as performed for large audiences as well as on television; and finally, our own direct two-deck solution that we thinks comes as close as any to "resolving Paul Curry's card problem." Plus, we provide some background on the early history of the effect as well as a snippet on each handling. 24 pages, photo-illustrated.
"The idea to use two decks is astonishing: well known principles combined resulted in an amazing effect. Now I can smoothly perform the Open Prediction"
- Mr Reinhard Mueller, Card Expert, Magic Scholar and Author, Germany
"I do enjoy purchasing routines from you as you have a great selection of high quality workable material"
- Mr Dean Spruce, UK
"The ebook (and effect) is great!"
- Mr Rob Speer, USA
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