Visual Gags for Magicians and MCs

Visual Comedy for Magicians and Compères (Gagsterisms)

Author/Originator: Ali of "Ali and Yolanda" (Not Ali Bongo)
Product ID: e913

PDF Price: $4.00
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Originally published under the title, "Gagsterisms," in 1953, this hard-to-find, visual comedy reference booklet is packed with over 170 funny sight gags, skits, blackout stunts, emcee jokes and running gags, audience participation antics, and other bits of business the author collected and/or used in his own magic act. These eminate mostly from English music hall and variety theatre performances he saw over the years. We think it is safe to say that you are sure to find some visual gags that will be perfect for your own act, or a skit or magic gag that is sure to generate some fun at your next magic club meeting or annual show, or even company sales or business meeting. Keep in mind, there is some uniquely British humor, as well as some references that need to be updated as with any comedy compendium from the past. 42 pages with illustrations. Re-typeset.

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