Controlled Coincidence
Author/Originator: Victor Farelli
Product ID: e244
PDF Price: $4.00
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In this rare manuscript, "Controlled Coincidence," the legendary Victor Farelli outlines his easy-to-use card control system. A system which gives you, the performer, immediate access to two "denoting cards," which provide the suit and value of any card freely selected from the deck. Information you can use overtly as part of your presentation or covertly for a different revelation. No forces, no sleights or memory work, no need to control cards; Farelli's innovative card system does all the work. Four different card miracles are fully explained, including one which enables you to have a card selected from anywhere in the deck and pocketed by a spectator while your back is turned or you are out of the room. The deck may then be cut multiple times before you turn around or return. Even so, by merely fanning or spreading the backs of the cards; you can instantly locate the "denoting cards" and identify the selected card! If you're looking for something different that will fool laymen and magicians alike, this is it! 16 pages with new typesetting and larger, easier-to-read format.
Also see...Victor Farelli's Master Speller Routine card system and Can You Tell Fortunes?
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