Vaudeville Mind Reading - Lustig
Author/Originator: David Lustig (La Vellma)
Product ID: e109
PDF Price: $4.00
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A treasure from mentalism's past...David J. Lustig's extremely rare and long out of print book,"Vaudeville Mind Reading and Kindred Phenomena," is now available as a PDF ebook. 20 chapters of systems, codes and other methods of doing club and stage mindreading, second sight, crystal gazing, the blindfold drive and other publicity stunts, telepathy, startling sealed message reading and psychic effects, including a full two hour show that requires a minimum of equipment. Many of the individual secrets in this book exchanged hands between professionals for the equivalent of thousands of dollars in today's money! This is powerful, practical material that stunned audiences in the past and properly presented, will still do so today. A must-have addition to any serious mentalism library. 90 pages, completely re-typeset!
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