TV Mentalism
Author/Originator: Robert Nelson
Product ID: e427
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Always on the lookout for new markets and promotional opportunities for mentalists, Bob Nelson was quick to capitalize on an emerging medium in 1955...television. In TV Mentalism, Nelson reveals the secrets behind sensational TV mentalism effects and gives you a roadmap to success in the field - from how to prepare and break into television to what to do once you're booked! He covers timing, camera angles, pre-show work, technique, presentation, the best types of mental effects for TV, and much more. It's invaluable and timeless advice for any mentalist looking to perform on TV, whether on cable, local or national TV. What's more, even mentalists producing their own promotional video clips for their website, YouTube and other Internet channels are sure to find a wealth of information to make their presentations more effective. 41 pages, completely re-typeset.
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