Triple Prediction - Jack Yates

Triple Prediction

Author/Originator: Jack Yates
Product ID: e751

PDF Price: $4.00
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Jack Yates' ultra-clean, nearly self-working triple prediction with a borrowed, shuffled deck is sure to become one of your favorite effects. Three spectators each give you a number. One by one, you fairly count down to that position in the deck and turn the card face up in front of the spectator who chose it. Before you do this each time, you write your prediction on a slip of paper and drop it into a glass that's in full view. When all three cards have been turned up, the glass is tipped out and your predictions are read - they are 100% accurate! No sleights. No stacks or special arrangements. No gimmicks. And no mental gymnastics are required. Plus, as a special bonus, we're also including Jack Yates' solution for Scalbert's Mystery of the Seventh Card - one of the most popular marketed card effects of the last century. It also works with a borrowed, shuffled pack. And while this extra effect does require a partner (to act as the Medium), there's no tedious memorization involved. In fact, your friend can learn his/her part in about five minutes time. 6 pages with cover.

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