Tossed Out Deck

Tossed Out Deck

Author/Originator: David Hoy
Product ID: e185

PDF Price: $4.00
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David Hoy's Tossed Out Deck is unquestionably one of the most devastating mental card effects you can perform on stage. And one that has been featured by all the greats, including Max Maven. If you're not familiar with the trick, you place a couple of rubber bands around a deck of cards and toss it into the audience. Three different spectators each peek at a card and then return the deck. Without ever looking at the deck, you now proceed to dramatically name each spectator's card! Please note, this trick is best suited to the stage or platform.

This new downloadable PDF teaches you how to add this remarkable mentalism effect to your own repertoire and includes David Hoy's own performance instructions. The instructions show you how to make up your own deck, but no cards are included with the downloadable eManuscript version. 8 pages.

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