![The Card Expert](https://djxw4eh2ryti8.cloudfront.net/e513.webp)
The Card Expert
Author/Originator: Lynn Searles
Product ID: e513
PDF Price: $4.00
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You've got serious skills...Lynn Searles believed you should show them off!
An unabashed sleight of hand card man and Erdnase devotee, Lynn Searles is perhaps best remembered for Cannibal Cards and his contributions to Karl Fulves' "Pallbearers Review." That's why he dedicated his first book to "those who delight in the skill of the hands." Any magician interested in constructing a gambling demonstration or even adding an effect or two along these lines to his repertoire will find this booklet an invaluable resource, as will the general card man (person). Clearly written explanations and nearly two dozen Sid Lorraine illustrations make a range of important moves and sleights accessible to those willing to put in a little practice time. What's more, there are even several outstanding self-working effects: Searles' version of Jamison's Ace Control with a special kicker finish, Jacks and Aces - a surprising Jacks to Aces transposition that's actually easy to do, and his handling for the Siamese Aces (A Renovated Trick - A Variation). 34 pages, re-typeset.
Contents include:
- The Psychology of the Card Expert
- The Lace-Through False Shuffle
- The False Cut
- The Compound False Cut
- The Simple False Cut
- The Second Deal
- The Bottom Deal
- Back-Palming a Complete Pack
- The Riffle Cut
- The One-Hand Shuffle
- The Weave-In Shuffle
- The Multiple Lift
- A Subtle Card Location
- Ace Control
- Jacks and Aces
- Second Deal Four Aces (No. 1)
- Second Deal Four Aces (No. 2)
- A Renovated Trick (Siamese Aces)
- A Renovated Trick (A Variation)
- Another Card Location
- A Novel Color Change Surprise
- Multiple Card Force
- Double Deal
- Master Dealing
- Bottom Deal Poker Demonstration
Also available...Lucky Aces by Lynn Searles and The Expert at the Card Table by Erdnase.
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