Stuthard's Svengali Deck Subtleties

Stuthard's Svengali Subtleties

Author/Originator: Joe Stuthard
Product ID: e582

PDF Price: $4.00
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Dust off your Svengali Deck and discover a number of moves and subtleties that you can incorporate into your own handling, including three ways to switch the deck for a regular one when you're done! Plus, Joe explains the proper Svengali technique for the riffle shuffle, spread, glide, double lift, drop, and more, as well as giving you his own Svengali routine along with seven more effects. Even though Canadian magician Joe Stuthard first self published this handy reference manuscript in 1938, it's still considered one of the best guides to one of magic's most popular trick decks! 9 pages with basic illustrations.

Also now available...Tommy Windsor's The Real Svengali Pitch.

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