Stolen Thought Book Test

Stolen Thought Book Test

Author/Originator: Corinda, Koran, et al
Product ID: e175

PDF Price: $4.00
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With The Stolen Thought Book Test, a spectator is given a free choice of three different hardcover books (it can actually be any number). He chooses any one he likes. Yes, he really has a completely free selection (no Magician's Choice). Next, he opens his chosen volume to ANY page and finds ANY word on ANY line. He writes down that word on a piece of paper, folds it up and places it in his pocket. The books are put away and the performer asks his helper to concentrate intently on the word he chose. Next, the performer introduces a large pad of paper and a marker. Slowly he begins to write on it - first one letter, then another, and another - as he seemingly zeros in on the spectator's thoughts. Finally, the performer stops writing. He stares at the pad for a moment and then turns to the spectator, asking him to reveal for the first time the one word he chose out of the many thousands of possibilities he was given. The performer turns his pad to the audience and reveals the word he just wrote down. It matches! 6 pages.

  • No forcing of the book, page, line or word.
  • No specially-printed books. Use real books with titles your audience will recognize.
  • No lengthy word lists to conceal.
  • Absolutely no memorization.
  • No center tears or billet switches.
  • Materials cost you a mere pittance and it takes less than five minutes to prepare.
  • Powerful, yet easy to do!


"The method here is really clean and 100% practical."

- Mr Duncan Trillo,

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