Out of the Spook Cabinet

Out of the Spook Cabinet

Author/Originator: Herman L. Weber
Product ID: e818

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In this classic 1947 booklet, Herman Weber shares his professional experience, acquired while performing an artistically and financially successful Midnight Spook Show over many seasons. You'll learn how it all started, what material works and what doesn't, and more. Plus, Weber explains how to make up and use eight of his best blackout stunts, including:

  • SPIDER WEBS - The spectators feel a series of spider webs brushing their faces.
  • THE GHOST’S KISS - What appear to be glowing spots of fire fall into the audience.
  • SWAMP SPIDERS - The spectators are able to feel weird tentacled objects that also fall on them.
  • THE SPECTRAL DRAGON appears suddenly and floats about the theater.
  • THE ETHEREAL SPOOK instantaneously materializes and disappears at the whim of the performer.
  • THE FLOATING SOUL - The head of a robed figure leaves its usual resting place, moves about in an eerie fashion and finally disappears entirely.
  • And more!

30 pages, re-typeset, well illustrated.

Also see...Nelson's Century Midnight Ghost Show and Staging a Professional SpookShow which includes Nelson's famous "Ghost Book of Dark Secrets," Bill Larsen's "A Spook Show In Your Parlor," and selected spirit rope ties by Burling Hull. Plus, a NEWLY UPDATED section (in 2021) of suppliers and resources for the DIY spook show magician!

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