Son of a Switch
Author/Originator: Ed Mellon
Product ID: e852
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Ed Mellon first released this clever and different method of reading a serial number on a borrowed Dollar Bill in 1955. He provided two versions - one for close-up table work and the other for stand-up presentations using a borrowed hat, ball cap, etc. Here's the effect: After a dollar bill is borrowed and tossed on the table, the magician proceeds to remove a number of cards from a deck. He then picks these up and calls off their numerical values, which the spectator compares to the serial number on his bill. THEY MATCH PERFECTLY! For the stand-up handling, the bill and cards are tossed into a hat and anyone may then come up and compare the numerical values to those on the borrowed bill. Easy to do and there's no need to remember a long serial number! We supply updated, photo-illustrated instructions, 6 pages.
Please note, the basic close-up handling is also explained (without photos) in our publication, Serial Deception. Son of a Switch includes complete instructions for both versions.
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