Grant's Slow Motion Bill Switch

Grant's Slow Motion Bill Switch

Author/Originator: U.F. Grant
Product ID: e623

PDF Price: $2.00


Looking for a clever bill switch or transposition? This is it. You borrow two bills. A ONE and a FIVE. The ONE is tucked in a person’s breast pocket. The same person slowly closes his hand around the FIVE. You command a change to take place. Person opens his hand and out pops the ONE DOLLAR BILL and on going to the pocket he finds the missing FIVE. We include Grant's original handling as well as an "impromptu" variation he developed later. Everything is explained step-by-step. No palming, tips, pulls, etc. Nearly self-working, easy to do! 6-page, photo-illustrated instructions.

Designed for US currency and method may not work with some international bank notes.

NOTE: This title is also included in The U.F. Grant File that puts over two dozen sought-after Grant pamphlets and manuscripts at your fingertips.

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