Sid Lorraine Lecture Notes
Author/Originator: Sid Lorraine
Product ID: e840
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In Sid Lorraine's lecture notes (No. 4) from the mid-1970s, he draws upon a lifetime of experience, performing, reviewing, writing about, and illustrating magic. Lorraine offers a range of tips, tricks, and helpful hints. These include his substitute for The Pass, four different types of "Locator" card gaffs you can make in minutes, his Coin Thru Hank handling, two deceptive coin vanishes, a number of practical silk production methods, his newspaper (Tarbell) cone, a "rope thru body" effect you can do on yourself or someone else (with an ungimmicked rope), the Card on Knife, an easy-to-make utility pull, coin and ball holders, and more. All with concise explanations and excellent Sid Lorraine illustrations. 25 pages, re-typeset.
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