Showmanship Essentials
Author/Originator: Unknown
Product ID: e261
PDF Price: $4.00
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A concise, illustrated guide on the essentials of showmanship for magicians and other entertainers. You'll learn everything from how to structure your program for maximum impact to techniques that will enable you to take command of your audience and perform your magic with confidence and professionalism. Every important aspect of stage and voice craft is covered, including elocution, carriage, entrances, exits, gestures, pitch of voice, vocal volume and correct breathing for voice power. A dozen exercises will help you master the same techniques used by professional actors and other entertainers. Plus, tips on working with microphones, encouraging applause, and more. First published in the 1950's as, "Your Break in Show Business," this booklet is packed with valuable information. No fluff here. 25 pages, edited and re-typeset.
Also available...Dariel Fitzkee's Showmanship for Magicians, and Burling Hull's The Art of the Stage.
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