Show Stoppers with Cards
Author/Originator: Jean Hugard and Fred Braue
Product ID: e573
PDF Price: $4.00 $2.50
This excellent Hugard and Braue pamphlet offers 11 items by Fred Braue, Bert Allerton, Stewart James, Bert Fenn, Neal Elias, and Bob Madison, including THE BRAUE DOUBLE LIFT. A move John J. Crimmins called, "beautiful and convincing." This easily learned sleight, which requires no "get ready," can be mastered by anyone in a few minutes. The moves are natural, and the accomplishment perfect! In the tricks section, you'll be sure to like the jaw-dropping kicker in ALLERTON'S AMAZING ACES, Braue's HOMING CARD which Fred Kaps later adapted as one of his signature effects, Braue's easier-to-master handling for Charlie Miller's DUNBURY DELUSION, TRIPLE DO also by Braue, James' POCKETHEREAL, Elias' "10-6-9-4," and more. Basic to intermediate card handling skills recommended. Completely re-typeset, 22 pages.
More Hugard and Braue titles from Trickshop.com...Miracle Methods Vol. 4 - Tricks and Sleights, Tricks with Prepared Cards and Accessories, the Stripper Deck, and the Royal Road to Card Magic. Plus, the mammoth, 358-page Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Edited by Jean Hugard).
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