Seven Keys to Baldpate
Author/Originator: Ted Annemann/Trickshop.com
Product ID: e162
PDF Price: $4.00
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Announcing a new streamlined handling for Annemann's classic effect. Now you can perform Annemann's famous "Seven Keys to Baldpate" without switches, extra keys, gaffed locks, change bags, special envelopes, or any other gimmicks whatsoever. In fact, our new streamlined handling uses ONLY an ordinary paper bag, a genuine padlock and seven keys; one of which opens the lock and six that do not. That's it! The same properties you would use if you actually had ESP and were able to do the effect for real!
Here's the timeless effect. You begin by introducing a padlock and seven matching keys to your audience - offering a reward to anyone who can prove that the lock has been tampered with in any way and is not exactly as it left the factory. You're 100% safe in making this challenge, since the lock is genuine in every respect. You now let a spectator demonstrate that while all seven keys "fit" the lock - only one will actually open it. The keys are gathered up, placed in a bag and mixed. Seven different spectators are now invited to each select a key and hold it tightly in their fist, so that no one can see it. After all of the keys have been chosen, you slowly pass your hands over each spectator's closed fist, one at a time. As you stop at each person, you are able to state with UNFAILING ACCURACY whether or not he/she holds the key that will open the lock. Each spectator then tries out his/her key in the lock - proving your statement correct. Keep in mind, that while this is being done, you never touch or go near the spectator's key or the lock. All seven keys are eventually tested in this manner. 11 pages.
NOTE: We supply the color photo-illustrated PDF, you supply the lock and keys; which will run you about $16 at your local hardware store.
On TalkMagic...
"This is a really nice adaptation of Theodore Annemann's original 1931 effect that can be downloaded from www.trickshop.com."
What they say:
start clean, end clean, no gimmicks, can be repeated.
What I say:
they are right!
"The method is straightforward, the handling is easy (sleight difficulty=1) and the supplies are easy to obtain (about ?10). Everything can be inspected before and after the effect. Lock, bag, and a bunch of keys. Great Magic! Great Value!"
Overall rating 10/10
- Dr Landman, UK
On the same thread...
"I agree, this is a tidy 'purest' effect."
"That is to say an effect not needing anything 'special' apart for the knowledge of the handling."
"That handling is pretty easy and there is good rationale for all/any moves. You begin and end clean because you are."
"Having had a 'Wonder Lock' and 'Luvrs Lock' I can hand on heart say I prefer this effect as with any lock effect a great deal of suspicion natually be place upon the one tangible 'antagonist' - the lock itself and if you are performing 'magic' - what spectator wouldn't have a tiny itch in ther mind saying trick 'lock' I bet?"
- Mr Tom Lauten, UK
7 Cheers for 7 Keys!
"Congratulations! This is a variant which would have fit right in with the original Jinx and I think Annemann would have approved. Simple, direct, and using classic time-proven techniques...well-illustrated...well-written."
- Mr Chet Cox, USA
"Just a note to tell you how much I like your take on '7-Keys'. It is brilliant, and renders obsolete so many other, more complicated gaffed-up versions. This is the one I'll perform this season. Excellent work, great price - a true bargain. Keep up the good work."
- Mr Tom Jorgenson, USA
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