Sensational Mentalism I
Author/Originator: Robert A. Nelson
Product ID: e589
PDF Price: $5.00
(or just $3.50 when you buy 3 or more titles)
NOTE: Due to the nature of one of the effects (Russian Roulette), this publication is recommended only for professionals! This is not a book for children.
Two dozen sophisticated mentalism items from Bob Nelson and friends. Contributors include Fu Manchu, Bob Tripp, Alan Milan, Bob Parrish, Syd Bergson, Gerald Kosky, and others. 83 big pages.
A Penny for Your Thoughts - Bob Nelson 5
New Concepts in Mentalism - Bob Nelson 7
The Bold Approach - Bob Nelson 10
Simplified Impromptu Billet Reading - Bob Nelson 20
The Man with the Attache Case - Bob Nelson 24
Minds En Rapport - Bob Nelson 27
Two Minds in Unison - Bob Nelson 30
The Phantom Mentalist - Bob Nelson 33
A Phono-Tape Recorder Prediction - Bob Nelson 35
An Experiment in ESP - Bob Nelson 39
Psychic Cigarette Test - Bob Nelson 42
Bob Nelson's Priceless Secret 44
Fu-TURE Prediction - FuManchu 48
Registered Letter Prediction - Syd Bergson 50
Russian Roulette - Alan Milan 52
Super Slate Test - Alan Milan 58
Master Mental Divination - Dr. H. Walter Grote 61
Magazine Test - Syd Bergson 65
Synonymous Thoughts - Bob Parrish 66
Mnemonic-Touch Memory - Gerald Kosky 69
Tips on the Blindfold - Philip Morris 72
THINK STOP! - Bob Tripp 74
A Tripp(LE) Prediction - Bob Tripp 76
The Fabulous Phono-Tape Recorder Prediction - Bob Tripp 80
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