Sam Berman Lecture Notes

Sam Berman Lecture Notes

Author/Originator: Sam Berman
Product ID: e855

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Sam Berman, a long-time Chicago magician and later, sought-after magic teacher in Fresno, California, was an accomplished sleight of hand artist and is best remembered for his comedy pantomime Tramp Act. In these rare, long out-of-print lecture notes, Berman teaches you his original Cups and Balls routine which fooled many magicians over the years. Other highlights include his clever Dollar Bill From Rope (a hole is poked in a dollar bill, which is then threaded on a rope held by two spectators, a handkerchief is placed over it and the bill magically penetrates the rope), Card Through Handkerchief and Case, Four-Ace Color Change where different color aces held both hands change places in the blink of an eye, Berman's Four Ace Trick (an assembly without gaffs or difficult sleights), a pretty Three Coin Routine, a full-length Cigarette Vanish, and more. 15 pages, re-typeset with illustrations.

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