Routined Magic

Routined Magic

Author/Originator: Senor Mardo
Product ID: e740

PDF Price: $4.00
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Routined Magic is filled with wonderful, thoughtfully-constructed routines. Material includes: THE GLASS MYSTERY (a one cup and ball routine using a highball glass wrapped in newspaper), THE HOMING BALL (cardboard cone and ball routine), THE SHAKER PENETRATION (using a borrowed coin, a handkerchief and two highball glasses), MARDO’S EGG BAG ROUTINE, STRANGE DR. HOFFMAN (a remarkable offbeat effect in which a dime placed on the mouth of a bottle becomes animated and seemingly answers the performer's questions - nearly self-working, no threads, etc.), MARDO’S CUPS AND BALLS ROUTINE, A THIMBLE ROUTINE, THE PERFECT RICE BOWLS (Mardo's clever gimmick enhances this time-honored classic), and more. 32 pages, illustrated, re-typeset.

Also available...Mardo's analysis of the Cups and Balls (34 pages) and The Hands Only.

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