Author/Originator: Paul Brignall
Product ID: e227

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"The only book test I use...and the best I've seen for many years." - Charles W. Cameron (Godfather of BIzarre Magick)

Without doubt one of the most startling and visual book tests ever conceived. And one that will leave your audience speechless. A spectator chooses a page in a book. That page is TORN from the book, and the performer draws a mystical figure on it and hands the book to the spectator for safekeeping. That done, the chosen page is now pierced by a pin to randomly choose a word. The spectator names the pierced word aloud and tears the page into eight pieces; which are placed into a bowl or ashtray and BURNED. Even though the book is in the spectator's possession and even though the page has been burned, when the spectator removes the book from his pocket and opens it to the space from where the page was chosen and torn...THE MISSING PAGE HAS RETURNED - complete with mystical drawing and pierced word! For the audience, it's an unfathomable outcome and one that will leave them in stunned silence.

REiNCARNATE is more than just a brilliant magic or mentalism effect, it's great theater as well. Of how many other book tests can the same be said? It's also an effect that can be adapted to almost any style of presentation - from comedy to dramatic or Bizarre Magick. If you're looking for a book test that will truly set you apart...this is it. Illustrated, 7 pages.

Consider these key points...

  • Can be used under any conditions/venue - private party, cabaret, stage.
  • Only one book is used throughout. There is no switch.
  • Book is in the hands of the spectator for most of the effect.
  • Spectator holds page while random word is chosen.
  • It's fast and easy to prepare.
  • Foolproof method and ingenious routine make this a simple trick to perform, leaving much scope for actual presentation.

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