Red and Black
Author/Originator: Eddie Joseph
Product ID: e702
PDF Price: $3.00
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Card tricks that don't require a card to be selected are a welcome diversion in most magician's repertoires and Eddie Joseph's clever, multi-phase Red and Black is just such an effect. You and a spectator each take all of the cards of contrasting color suits, which the spectator mixes together before dealing an equal number to each of you. The spectator is confounded to discover that he has the same number of cards in his chosen suit, as you have of yours. This effect builds with repetition, as the selection process is varied several times to assure the cards are distributed at random. Finally, for the knockout climax - the cards are dealt one last time and your helper now has every card of the suit he chose and you have every one of yours. Easy to do with our updated instructions. Works with a borrowed deck. No set-up, gaffs, extra cards or false counts. 5 pages with cover.
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