Author/Originator: William Larsen Sr
Product ID: e877
PDF Price: $4.00
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William Larsen considered Ted Annemann’s Pseudo-Psychometry to be the single greatest effect in magic. In this new compilation, we are pleased to bring you two exceptional William Larsen Pseudo-Psychometry presentations - The Zenith Mental Act he performed at clubs, lodges, resorts, and private parties, and the Pseudo-Psychometry Lecture with Readings he usually reserved for social club engagements but can be performed for any type of audience. This manuscript covers everything you need to know and includes Annemann's original instructions, and more. 16 pages.
THE ZENITH MENTAL ACT: You are seated at the head table of your local Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, or Optimist Club. You have engaged in no advance preparation after you have reached the clubroom. You’ve had no advance information as to who was going to be present. You need not know the name of a single person in the entire room. Now it is time for you to perform. Rising, right at the table, you pass out ten, a dozen, or more, envelopes and an equal number of correspondence cards. You request that those receiving them write anything they wish on the cards—a question, their license or social security number—put the cards in the envelopes and seal them. Any person may collect the sealed envelopes, mix them up thoroughly, and return them to you. Now you take them just as received and not only answer every question accurately but give specific details as to license numbers, etc. You finish by handing the card on which the question, or other data, was written, BACK TO THE VERY PERSON WHO WROTE IT AND CALL HIM BY NAME! No muss, no fuss. No one ahead methods! No secret steals or switches. Everything is absolutely open and above board. No sleight of hand or skill of any kind is required. No assistants, confederates or stooges are used. I tell you honestly that the envelopes and the cards are absolutely all you use, and these can be carried in your inside coat pocket.
PSEUDO-PSYCHOMETRY LECTURE WITH READINGS: William Larsen's complete introductory pseudo-psychometry lecture along with individual readings written to fit each person participating in the experiment. This information alone sold for $2 in the mid-1940s - the equivalent of over $34 in today's money!
Looking for more Pseudo-Psychometry material? See Ed Stoddard's Intuition in our "Ed Stoddard Mentalism" manuscript, and Milbourne Christopher's Super Psychometry in "One Man Mental Secrets."
Also available...our William Larsen Sr. 12-PDF Collection. Note, this new Pseudo-Psychometry release is NOT included in the Larsen collection.
NOTE: William Larsen's "Zenith Mental Act" IS ENTIRELY DIFFERENT than UF Grant's routine with an almost identical name, "Zenith Master Mental Act."
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