I Wouldn't Like to Play Cards with You!
Author/Originator: Stanley
Product ID: e219
PDF Price: $4.00
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As a magician, how many times have you heard the words, "I wouldn't like to play cards with you?" After you perform this multi-phase routine, your audiences will really mean it! Originally published as a dealer manuscript, this routine will convince your audience in no uncertain terms that you are a dangerous man or woman with a deck of cards as one mind-boggling effect smoothly flows into the next. In addition to several revelations of freely selected cards, you deal yourself one great hand after another! The routine culminates as you tell a dramatic, true-to-life tale of a gambling misadventure that will have your spectators jumping out of their seats at the end! Now, get this...the entire entertaining routine doesn't contain a single difficult sleight. That's right - no double lifts, seconds, bottoms, culls, side steals or even passes. In fact, everything is virtually self-working aside from a simple false shuffle and cut, which are fully explained and you'll master in minutes. 12 pages.
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