Phantom of the Card Table

The Phantom of the Card Table

Author/Originator: Eddie McGuire (Walter Irving Scott)
Product ID: e565

PDF Price: $4.00
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Walter Scott at Al Baker home
Walter Scott at Al Baker's home on June 14, 1930. Seated, left to right: T. Nelson Downs, Max Holden, Walter Scott (blindfolded), Sam Horowitz, and Eddie McLaughlin. Standing: Al Baker, Eddie McGuire, and Cardini.

The story, as first described in print by Max Holden in "The Sphinx," has become part of magic lore. It relates how a gambler, Walter Irving Scott, completely fooled a gathering of magicians at Al Baker's home in New York - a group that included several of the top sleight of hand men in the world! Shortly after the get-together, Eddie McGuire, who had arranged Scott's visit, wrote and typed up a manuscript detailing some of Scott's techniques and other methods for the private study of several of the magicians in attendance. The rest, as they say, is history. The manuscript, "The Phantom of the Card Table," quickly became one of the most sought after manuscripts for both magicians and card sharps alike - often fetching huge sums, from $50 to $100 per copy. In this release, we are pleased to bring you this exposé of Scott's Second Deal Master Method, favorite Bottom Deal and Top Card Peek, Blindfold Deal, Punch, and own Slick Ace Formula. Completely re-typeset, 35 8.5" x 11" (or A4) pages.

Also available...S.W. Erdnase's "The Expert at the Card Table," "The Card Expert" by Lynn Searles, and our Devious Poker Demos bundle.

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