Phantini's Challenge Mental Act
Author/Originator: Gene Grant
Product ID: e438
PDF Price: $6.00
(or just $4.20 when you buy 3 or more titles)
A complete, close-up mentalism act that fits in your pocket! Six diabolical mentalism effects using simple, inexpensive objects you can carry in your pocket, none with playing cards. 14-page, illustrated, re-typeset publication.
Standout material includes:
Phantinism Revisited: A killer routine that combines the psychological force with masterful equivoque technique.
Miracrypto IV: A revised and updated take on another Phantini classic. The original version appears in Phantini's Lost Book of Mental Secrets.
Swami Miracle: The mentalist predicts three numbers called out by the audience.
Currency Clairvoyant: The serial number on a borrowed bill is recorded before it is mixed with several others. Even so, the spectator uses his intuition to pick the correct bill. A surefire miracle that works 100% of the time!
Meaningful Numbers: A spectator secretly enters a number into a calculator, multiplies it, etc., before clearing it, and the mentalist is able to reveal the numbers with uncanny accuracy.
Phantini's Psychic Symbols: Duplicate designs with ease using Phantini's ingenious 25-symbol system. Copy symbols onto heavy weight blank business or index cards with a non-bleed Sharpie® fine point in minutes. Makes many miracles possible!
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