Paperback Book Test

Paperback Book Test

Author/Originator: Paul Brignall
Product ID: e139

PDF Price: $4.00
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Another highly commercial book test right out of the performing repertoire of the popular Scottish magician, Paul Brignall. This book test is ideal for the working stand-up magician who wants to add a strong, yet practical book test to his club/cabaret magic act. You begin by introducing two prediction envelopes, after a card is selected and lost in the deck; the envelope is opened to reveal a jumbo card that matches the selection. Now comes the best part, a second spectator is given a free choice of any page in a paperback book. In fact, he can be given a free choice of any page in any number of paperbacks and if you like, the books can even be borrowed! The jumbo prediction card is placed into the book to mark the place noted by the spectator for later verification. The spectator reads the first few lines of his chosen page, the prediction is taken from the second envelope, this envelope is untouched by the performer, it is seen to match exactly the words just read yet freely chosen by the spectator. We supply the photo-illustrated eManuscript, you supply the cards and books. If you work for real people and appreciate professional caliber magic that allows you to concentrate on your presentation, this book test is hard to beat. Paul also gives you some professional insight, as well as a funny bit of business you can work in to the presentation. 5 pages.

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