Outs, Precautions and Challenges
Author/Originator: Charles Hopkins
Product ID: e137
PDF Price: $4.00
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It is said the mark of a true professional magician is how he handles himself when a trick goes wrong. The card worker is no exception and no matter how skilled he or she is as a performer, mistakes can and do happen to everyone. We've all also run into the wise guy who deliberately tries to trip us up. Well, with Charles H. Hopkins essential guide, you'll be fully prepared for virtually any contingency. 10 chapters cover a range of methods and techniques for managing mishaps and challenges alike. Topics include the psychology of failure, secret and open "outs," information gathering subtleties, handy sleights (moves are illustrated), staying in control when challenged, dealing with memory lapses, ways to handle specific situations, and much, much more. Suffice it to say, no other book contains more valuable information on the specific sleights, artifices and psychological principles you can successfully employ to triumph over difficulties when they arise. New, completely re-typeset PDF edition. 68 pages, illustrated.
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