Oscar Weigle Color Scheme

Color Scheme

Author/Originator: Oscar Weigle
Product ID: e462

PDF Price: $4.00
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Color Scheme is Oscar Weigle's brilliant color-divination effect and it's all done in the spectator's own hands! In effect, a packet of playing cards is shown and mixed by the performer, so that face-up and face-down cards are intermingled. A spectator places the packet behind his back or, out of sight under the table, also reversing cards and adding to the disarrangement. A procedure is then followed, wherein the spectator brings out every other card and places it on the table. It is no surprise that the cards come out both face up and face down, but it is odd to see the spectator exhibiting a marked color preference, for all of the cards face up are cards of the same color! Even though the spectator continues to mix the cards to his satisfaction before bringing them forward, the end result, when the packet has been exhausted, is that there is a distinct color separation - cards of one color are all face-up and cards of the opposite color, are all face-down! Complete with several variations in effect and presentation. Works with regular cards from any deck, nothing extra required. We supply Oscar Weigle's original manuscript, re-typeset, 7 pages. Don't miss this one!

Also available...our manuscript on Paul Curry's Out of the World...The Real World!

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