Inner Secrets Plus Telepathy in Action
Author/Originator: Orville Meyer
Product ID: e806
PDF Price: $5.00
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In this new publication from Trickshop.com, we bring you three important Orville Meyer mentalism releases from the mid 1950s and early 60s, along with a sample of the magic magazine ad he ran for each.
A smash feature of mentalism that requires NO SPECIAL APPARATUS, NO ADVANCE PREPARATION, NO GIMMICKS AND NO SLEIGHTS! Though he may be entirely surrounded, the mentalist successfully accomplishes not one, but TWO difficult tests which appear to be genuine contact and non-contact mindreading! But bear in mind: no knowledge of contact mindreading is required, and there is no chance of failure. Everything used may be borrowed on the spot, yet the effect is so strong that it can be FEATURED by the mentalist in the largest auditorium.
Inner Secret No. 2 - INCREDO BOOK TEST
There have been book tests and book tests but never one so diabolically bold, clever, simple and direct as this! THE SPECTATOR SIMPLY OPENS A BOOK, NOTES A WORD, AND YOU CAN REVEAL IT immediately or later. No involved mathematics. None of the old thrusting of a card into the pages and all of that. No force, never the same word twice, and the book is an ordinary paperback which you can buy at any drugstore.
A SENSATIONAL ONE-MAN ACT you can perform without equipment, assistants or confederates, or any special skills (other than your natural showmanship abilities). During the act, volunteers from the audience seemingly respond to your telepathic suggestions and freely act out the kind of hilarious stunts often associated with hypnotic shows, however no hypnosis or hypnotic inductions are involved! Instead, your performance relies solely upon psychology and the power of suggestion while your subjects are in, what Ormond McGill referred to as, the "waking state." Meyer details the entire act, including what to say and how to say it. 11 chapters. Reprints of this release alone fetch $20 or more today.
37 pages, re-typeset.
INK-SAVING TIP: In the Adobe Acrobat print dialog box, you can choose Pages to Print and specify a page range, such as "2 - 37" to skip the cover!
Also see...Jolt Comedy Electric Chair Routine, Accomplices, Dr. Q's Hypnotic Act, and Brilliant DIY Book Tests - I & II
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