One More Thought On Cards
Author/Originator: J. Stewart Smith
Product ID: e951
PDF Price: $4.00
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J. Stewart Smith's highly acclaimed booklet of card magic, first published in 1955! 11 astounding, yet easy-to-perform effects: Ascending Treys, Pop Over Treys, The Four Aces, The Four Queens, Follow the Leader, Sevens and Jacks, The Inseparable Sevens, Peek-a-Boo Discovery, Horse Sense, The Lie Detector, and Numbers at Work. Basic to intermediate card skills recommended. 25 pages, re-typeset.
Here are just some of the endorsements "One More Thought On Cards" received at the time...
DAI VERNON: "It is, in my opinion, the best - the very best ever written, explaining how to present and handle this type of effect. His clean and uncluttered layouts and simplified handling make these little effects sparkle. The book is SUPERB."
FRANCIS CARLYLE: "For directness and clarity I find this the most rewarding book on card magic to come along in a long time."
BILL SIMON: "His explanation of VERNON'S MULTIPLE SHIFT, for example, is really a classic. About the clearest explanation I've ever read of this sleight."
J.B. BOBO: "Not since ANNEMANN has magicdom been given anything to equal it."
J.G. THOMPSON JR.: "...there is one of the simplest and most effective FOLLOW THE LEADER versions I have ever run across."
JOHN J. CRIMMINS JR.: "...every item is beautifully routined, clothed in perfect misdirection..."
BRO. JOHN HAMMAN: "Here is a book! - a book that TEACHES card magic, not EXPLAINS card tricks."
Also now available...J. Stewart Smith's The Lonely Quest.
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