The Complete Guide to Billet-Switching
Author/Originator: Tony Corinda/Ralph Read
Product ID: e771
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This circa 1960s publication combines two earlier works - Ralph Read's "One Man Mind Reading Secrets" and Tony Corinda's outstanding work on billets. There is material for both close-up and stage. Ralph Read's section gives you 14 different methods for gaining secret knowledge of questions, figures and drawings, audience members have written down on paper; Corinda's section covers multiple variations of the center tear, billet switches, various gimmicks and accessories, as well as effects by Corinda, Punx, Al Koran, Stanley Jaks, and Maurice Fogel. Re-typeset for larger 8-1/2 x 11 format, illustrated, 75 pages.
Also see...CenterMental - Center Tear, Grant's Center Tear Methods, The Borrowed Brain, and Super Billet Test Secrets.
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