JINX Program No. 2 - One Man Mental Club Act
Author/Originator: Ted Annemann
Product ID: e120
PDF Price: $4.00
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Thought reading, predictions, design duplication and more - an entire club act and it fits in a briefcase! Like Annemann's Complete One Man Mental and Psychic Routine, this is a fully-routined, half hour mentalism act you can carry in a briefcase. Put together by Annemann from the pages of his legendary JINX Magazine and designed for audiences of up to 250, this program is easily updated for contemporary performances by eliminating the slate and chalk, and using a Dry Erase Board and Marker instead. In so doing, you'll have an act that's as powerful and relevant to today's audiences as it was to those of past generations. And one that's thoroughly practical to perform. No cumbersome apparatus. No pre-show work. No assistants or confederates. Completely re-typeset, this quality, print-on-demand edition is only available from Trickshop.com. 19 pages.
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