Nelson Psychological Reading

Psychological Reading

Author/Originator: Robert A. Nelson
Product ID: e436

PDF Price: $4.00
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Robert Nelson's manuscript on how to give a psychological reading using the 12-point framework! Spectators are more readily convinced by fortune tellers, and the like, if the reader will start the reading without first asking a lot of questions — in other words, giving the reading "from the cradle to the grave," as though the spectator's life were the pages of an open book, then ask the questions at the conclusion of the reading if necessary.

The sitter enters the room, immediately the reader starts, giving "knock-out facts," and continues with the reading for a half an hour, never asking definite questions, but "reading." This is accomplished without previous preparation, nothing written and without apparatus. This type of reading is known as the "Psychological Reading," insomuch as it employs the science of psychology and character reading, coupled with logic. It is SCIENTIFIC GUESS READING, which will, in practically all cases, be acknowledged as correct.

The Psychological Reading has been used extensively for years with great success, and can be used in conjunction with other methods, if desired. This is the basic script that was used for years by many old school mediums and psychic readers. Completely re-typeset, 7 pages.

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