My Best Card Trick

My Best Card Trick

Editor: Harry Baron
Product ID: e837

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Step back into early 1950s when Harry Baron asked seven of Britain's top magicians and cardmen to provide him with their best card trick. The result was this booklet with effects from Jack Avis (The Lady Tells All), Francis Haxton (Spectator's Choice), Al Koran (Turnabout), Joe Stuthard (Card in Cigarette), Gus Southall (Casting a Spell), Edward Victor (New Nudist or Blank Deck), and Peter Warlock (My Name - Your Name). The "Spectator's Choice" is based upon a challenge Ed Marlo gave Francis Haxton on a visit to the states and the result is one of the easiest and most direct methods for Paul Curry's Open Prediction you'll find in print. Intermediate or higher card skills recommended. 34 pages, re-typeset.

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