Miracles in Mentalism
Author/Originator: Robert Nelson
Product ID: e421
PDF Price: $5.00
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Over 40 super, time-tested, audience-proven mentalism effects for the club or private performer. Here's how Nelson himself described the contents...Your audience will thrill to Judah’s Sealed Intimate Magic Billet Reading - Dr. Grote’s Telepathy vs. Co-incidence is an Outstanding Mental Accomplishment, with full patter - Frederic Kolb’s Dead Name Duplication is a knockout - The Green Hand and The 8th Key to Baldpate will intrigue any spectator - Grant’s Prediction Deck can easily be made and is a brain buster - A terrific Slate Routine by Norm Cummins, with ordinary slates - Eddie Clever gives you ‘Out of the Ether’, while Bruce Elliott and Hen Fetsch supply other super-miracles. Nicely illustrated and completely re-typeset in this new large format, easy-to-read Trickshop.com edition. 67 pages.
- A. T. And T. Telepathy - Bob Nelson
- Sealed Billet Reading De Luxe - Stewart Judah
- Psychic Match Mystery - Richard Lindahl
- Dead Name Duplication - Frederic E. Kolb
- Telepathy Vs. Coincidence - Dr. Walter Grote
- Turn Over Pellet Switch - Al O’Hagen
- The Green Hand - Orville Meyer
- Nelson’s Impromptu Change Bag - Bob Nelson
- A Subtle Touch With The Change Bag - Bob Nelson
- Spirit Flashes In The Dark - Bob Nelson
- Zella Prediction Trick - Gen Grant
- Out Of This Phone Book - Paul Curry
- Radar Pencil Mental Routine - Bob Nelson
- Improved Three Way Forcing - Gen Grant
- Nelson’s Cigar Change Box - Bob Nelson
- The Twenty-First Stunner - Dr. Grote – Bob Nelson
- Colorvoyance - Jack Vosburgh
- Clean Cut Slate Test - Norm Cummins
- One Man Blackboard Test - Dr. E. C. Ervin
- Postal Inspection - Dr. Harlan Tarbell
- Ghost Eyes - Jos. Keller
- Frame Of Mind - Al O’Hagan
- Try This On Your Piano - By Permission Of Dr. Grote
- Mental Perception - Dr. Walter Grote
- Double Knockout! - Hen Fetsch
- Screwy Card Location - Capt. Jones
- Out Of The Ether - Eddie Clever
- Change! Thought! Coincidence! - Bruce Elliott
- The Eighth Key To Baldpate - Wilbur Kattner
- Future Hue - Hen Fetsch
- Past, Present And Future - Hen Fetsch
- Subtle Prediction Idea - Wm. Larson
- A Sensational Prediction - Dr. Wm. T. Palchanis
- E-Z Mindreading - John Booth
- What You Can Do With
- Six Effects With Nelson’s Thunderbolt Deck - Eddie Clever
- Mentalism With Alphabet Cards - Andrew Smythe
- Wrinkles And Subtle Touches - Bob Nelson
Other volumes in the Nelson Miracles in Mentalism set: Volume 2 - More Miracles in Mentalism and Volume 3 - Still More Miracles in Mentalism.
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