Miracle Methods - Tricks and Sleights
Author/Originator: Jean Hugard and Fred Braue
Product ID: e413
PDF Price: $4.00 $2.50
Another installment in Hugard and Braue's excellent Miracle Methods (of Card Magic) series. This volume, No. 4, features over 20 card tricks along with 11 utility sleights. Material includes a fortune telling card trick (The Card of Destiny) with a presentation that really "sells" it, a card to sealed envelope (Opened by the Censor), an easy-to-perform reverse of two selected cards complete with an entertaining presentation (A Reverse and Recovery) - also an easy way to reverse a single selected card, Incredo Thought - a self-working effect where the spectator finds his own "thought of" card, the discovery of five thought of cards (Thought for Five) - another self-working mental card miracle, a quick and easy transposition of your card with the spectator's (Quick Change), Safe Bet - a card vanish from a packet that reappears folded in your mouth (or elsewhere) - note the subtle method of finding a thought of card in a packet can also be used for other effects, several versions of cards to pocket, and more. Sleights include two very convincing false cuts, changes, a top change - double lift, The Open Cull, the Lockgrip Shuffle, Lazy Man's Deal, and more. 46 pages, completely re-typeset with larger illustrations and text that's far easier to read than the original printed booklet.
Also available...Tricks with Prepared Cards and Accessories and Stripper Deck.
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