How to Do Miracle Memory Feats - Ward the Wizard

How to Do Miracle Memory Feats

Author/Originator: Ward the Wizard
Product ID: e496

PDF Price: $4.00
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Duplicate the incredible memory feats of Master Memory Experts without the use of any memory system! In this compilation, David Ward (the Wizard) details an array of 100% practical methods that use the magician's art to create the impression you can INSTANTLY recall 25 or 50 words provided by the audience, the serial numbers on borrowed bills, birthdates, license plate numbers, and more; whether you work alone or with an assistant. Plus, Ward fully explains Blackstone's Giant Memory effect (also known as the Marvelous Memory Stunt). Your audience will believe you have memorized a hundred numbers, each running into the hundred thousands. We provide new ready-to-print artwork for this incredible memory trick for both stand-up and close-up presentations. Remember, none of these effects require you to invest long hours of study and rehearsal to master a MNEMONIC SYSTEM. 14 pages, re-typeset.

Also see...Chess Knight's Tour - another feature pseudo memorization effect!

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