Mentalism Books PDF - 9
Mentalism and mental magic effects, one- and two-person routines, and compilations.
Mentalism Categories: Book Tests, Cold Reading, Q&A Mindreading Acts, 2-Person Code Acts, Add-a-Number Effects, Three Article Tests, Al Koran, Phantini, Robert Nelson Enterprises, Blindfold Work, and ESP Entertainment / Tick Sheets.
Serial Deception $5.00 PDF
Whether working impromptu or on stage or platform, the ability to divine the serial number on a borrowed bill or banknote is one of the most devastating feats in the entire realm of mentalism. And yet, there is relatively little...
Club and Party Mentalism $5.00 PDF
Performing mentalism for smaller groups presents its own set of challenges and rewards. In "Club and Party Mentalism," Nelson shows you how to select and routine the most effective material for maximum audience impact and use the audience intimacy to convince...
Add-a-Number Methods $4.00 PDF
Now you can add a baffling "Add-a-Number" effect to your own act without expensive or suspicious props. Our new publication covers a half dozen proven methods - from self-working ploys to the approaches used by top pros...
Mindray $4.00 PDF
Here's the original catalog description: A sheet is torn off a pad of paper and given to a spectator to write thereon with a pencil, a number, name, date, place, or design, anything he wishes. This is placed writing side down in between the pages...
Mentalism De Luxe $4.00 PDF
Although originally intended for the stage or platform, this two-person "thought projection" or "thought transference" act under seeming test conditions is ideal for contemporary private party and corporate work with a paid assistant, or even a spouse...
Mindreading for Fun $4.00 PDF
The Grayson's teach you a simplified and easy-to-learn version of their own professional master cue system, which will enable you and a partner to perform startling mindreading feats with a minimum of practice. Written with the...
The Secrets of Dr. A $5.00 PDF
Discover the billet reading methods and subtleties Dr. A employed to such devastating effect. Techniques you can use to read minds in practically any situation, even when conditions are less than favorable. This is Nelson's first...
Secret Methods of Private Readers $5.00 PDF
The ability to switch a billet under the spectator's nose enables you to rise to the challenge, "IF YOU ARE A MINDREADER, THEN READ MY MIND." Nelson felt nothing did more to convince a skeptic of your abilities than...
202 Methods of Forcing $4.00 PDF
There are few principles more integral to the performance of both magic and mentalism than Forcing. You'll discover a wealth of techniques and methods for forcing cards, numbers, dates, colors, names, pages for book tests...
Annemann's Mental Bargain Effects $4.00 PDF
Some of Annemann's best thought-reading effects, including Diablo Pellet (Billet) Reading, The Modern Mindreader, Mental Masterpiece, Psychic Writing, 30th Century Television, Greta Annemann's Eyes of the Unknown...
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